n. A clump of grass used to tilt the angle on a camera during a timered shot.
I was taking intense myspace shots with a grass nest to steady the camera
A Yoga Ashram that is surrounded by marijuana growers who grow a strain of marijuana that induces sensations of Being One with God.
Sally’s belief in God comes from Sivananda’s Grass.
Today I was harvesting Sivananda’s grass and thought I found heaven.
grass marijuana weed god hallucination pot Sivananda Yoga
The Grass Gang is a group created by 2 lovely young people. It is said to be the best gang ever; better than the Mulch Gang.
“Hey, do you want to join the Grass Gang?”
Something u should touch if ur a Discord mod.
Discord mods: Hey kitten ilysm that I will give u all my life savings and I'll never go outside and touch grass
A term or idea invented by 'outdoorsmen' to get truly epic gamers to give up their grind.
'Hey try hard, go touch grass.'