Friend 1: “Yo boys, get your socks off. We are gonna have us a dog fight!”
Friend 2: “What!? No bro… put your dogs away. Not today!”
Friend 3: “Yo know it’s Tyler’s third year anniversary of finding out he has diabetes!”
Friend 1: “Sorry boys.. just thought I’d lighten up the mood.
Friend 2: “Well it’s a little fucked up that you’d even think that’s appropriate knowing Tyler’s toe been cut off THREE YEARS AGO!”
Friend 1: “Dude! It’s not my fault Tyler’s dog got loose from the FRICKEN DIABETES!”
Tyler: *wobbles up to Friend 1* “Ayo…friend 1… do you even know how it feels to lose a dog three ago… I HOPE YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS ONE DAY! THE FEELING OF MISSING THE UPSETTING FEELING OF SLIDING A DOG INTO A NEWLY FOUND HOLE OF A SOCK!! BUT YOU CANT EVEN IMAGINE THE LOOK ON MY WIFES FACE EVERYONE MORNING KNOWING SHE MARRIED A MAN THAT LOST HIS DOG! more specifically at a three year mark… makes for a real nice divorce.. WHYY DIABETES! WHYYYYY *falls to knees*
Dog -the friend that helps you
the one that eats your food when u don't want it
the one that protects you no matter what
the one that will never betray u the one that would DIE for you
your lifelong friend
Charlie my DOG is the best dog ever
Canis Lupus Familiaris, the scientific name of a dog. Dogs are animals and have lived since the Late Pleistocene(unofficial time period and also known as Upper Pleistocene). So basically nobody knows exactly when the first dogs came into existence. However we do know that dogs(Canis Lupus Familiaris) coexisted with humans. The first dog that was domesticated was way after that, in northern Siberia(now freezing cold Russia) 23000 years ago.
The dog ate the meat.
Did you know that dogs are also known as Canis Lupus Familiaris?
A cruel beast who eats children and other animals.
Jessie: look at that beast over there
Tony: They sure are a dog