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1. An insult used primarily by males towards other males that are trying way too hard to draw attention to themselves. Can usually be swapped to the comparable "d-bag" or "douchebag"

2. To express disappointment in something that didn't go your way and you felt should have.

ps - for more information on this topic there's an excellent educational show titled "Brub Brrub Brrrrub!", which can be found in the 13th season, 12 episode of the critically acclaimed "South Park".

1. ' guy with 2 earrings and frosted tips is seen' - every normal dude around: "that's gay"

2. Dude 1: "did you see that fucking call?" Dude 2: "Yeah dude, so gay"

by fitn July 10, 2020


Gaber baber

He is the gay

by Hague Rudy we April 22, 2021


the 2nd most used word by kids on Xbox Live, first being bitch.

Person 1: "Do you support LGBT?"

Person 2: "No, what is it?"
Person 1: "It's a group of words that are used by kids when they lose a video game. The words include gay, pansexual, lesbian, etc."

by zboionmars May 5, 2020




(and people named morgan)

You're just in denial sweetie.
You are gay.

by kumakun March 10, 2022


A term used to piss someone off when they are into chicks with dicks.


by CHICKSwDICKS October 11, 2021



Damon is gay asf

by R41N FOR SALE March 4, 2022


Boy like boy. Boy love boy. Boy fuck boy. Boy marry boy. Boy have child with boy. Boy die with boy.

Boy: Hey mom I’m gay.
* Mom faints
Boy: Hey dad I’m gay
* Dad dies
Boy: Hey friend I’m gay.
* Friend ignores and changes subject
Boy: Hey crush I’m gay.
Crush: Me too.
Boy: Will you be with me forever?
Crush: Yes!
Boy: Hey mom I have a boyfriend.
* Mom dies

by Sunlow Foreva September 18, 2023