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Tant Chops

To karate chop the woman's Tant more than once for doing something stupid

hey woman get me a beer out of the fridge or I'll give you some Tant Chops

by sugarwuzhere November 2, 2010

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diggin' the chops

a term used to describe your interest in someone discretely

Guy 1: Do you see that brunette with the tramp stamp by the bar?

Guy 2: Yeah she made me JIMP.

Guy 1: Yeah I am diggin' the chops, too.

by ScruffMcGruff October 10, 2009

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chop a cog

To go and have a wank,

aka rip one out

Ill be back in a sec lads, im off to chop a cog

by lordofthetower June 17, 2009

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Bogs Chops

Bogs Chops, also known as bog chops, are a breed of phone virus that force an individual to make a typo when texting. The scientific name for the virus is Bogus Chopus.

After making a really bad typo
"Wow, the bogs chops really got me!"

by CreepyCripple March 31, 2021

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Chopping Bass

1. The act of slicing your hands up and down while listening to dubstep.

2. Ketamine

1. You niggers need to step your chop game up.
2. If you ain't chopping bass, your a coon.

by unafilliat3d August 10, 2010

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chopped lover

Similar to chopped liver, is having sex with someone when all other options are exasperated. Could also be used in place of friends with benefits.

Yeah we're having sex, but he's just chopped lover.

by Laundromat February 27, 2016

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chop and drop

Another name for a mullet hair cut. The front hair is chopped and the back hair is allowed to drop.

Me: Wow, what happened to Harold's hair?

You: Mary Jo hooked him up with a chop and drop.

by Lord Harry October 9, 2011

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