Bunch of little cunts who don’t know how to fuckin be nice every once and a while
Don’t cross that line into eagle city you’ll get called a bitch
A place of gathering for "sketchy people" or a certain place in a city where the buildings and people may be a little "sketchy".
A place where a bunch of "sketchballs" hang out.
That ratrod build looks so sketchy, It is a whole lot of sketch, like it's in sketch city.
Dude this place is sketchy, it looks like downtown sketch city!
That guy is so sketchy it looks like he just came from downtown sketch city.
That Ratrod is so sick, It looks like it just came from downtown "Sketch City".
This neighborhood is full of sketchballs, it's like we are in sketch city.
Melbourne is the Snob City, in the opinion of other Australian states.
As Adelaide is the Garden City, Melbourne is the Snob City.
It's called this because Melbournites have a very high opinion of themselves, just because their city won "World's most livable city" several years in a row.
Where you live mate?
Melbourne bro.
Ah, the Snob City.
When you are partying really hard with a bunch of people, and everyone is fucked up. Congrats, you have arrived in lit city.
Powder your nuts and shine your shoes we are going to lit city tonight boys!
"We getting fucked up tonight?!" "Hells yeah! Lit city baby!"
A city that has many likeable qualities, but is mostly defined by gangs
Dude 1: Have you guys been to Navy Pier in Chicago?
Dude 2: Chicago? Ohhh, you mean Gang City
A fuck boy, or a huge hoe that uses other people.
Jacob sartorius is a city tool
Someone who is yacking their brains out may be visiting Yack City.
After Tammy-Lynn drank a 40 of Smirnoff, she took a nice little trip down to Yack City.