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Law Of Pentatonics

In any thought regarding any topic, it will always revert back to David.

I was taking a shit, and remembered david, really the Law of Pentatonics is true.

by Gagglefucker109 September 5, 2021

Cathy’s Law

The fundamental law of nature that you will always crave Chick-Fil-A most on Sundays when it’s closed, leading to inevitable disappointment.

The phenomenon is named after the late, great Chick-Fil-A founder, S. Truett Cathy.

Last Sunday, I got fucked by Cathy’s Law again. This time I got all the way to Chick-Fil-A and pulled on the locked door before realizing what day it was. I was devastated.

by Greg Taylor July 2, 2018

Sans Law

A law of the universe, which name derives from Sans, from the popular indie game "Undertale". The law shows, that any skeletons or skeletal - like creature in media have weirdly good memes created about them, or with them included in the meme.

Ex: - "I swear, the Necrons from Warhammer 40K have the best memes made about them!"

- "Yeah, they abide the Sans Law, too".

Ex.2: - "Why does everybody find skeletons so cool yet funny?"

- "It's because of Sans Law. Skeletons are an engine for good memes".

by ingusbingus April 17, 2023

Law of The Internet

If you videotape yourself doing something risky, you're bound to fuck it up and end up on the internet show "=3" hosted by RayWilliamJohnson.

Any fail video reposted by Fail Blog or Break would be an example of the "Law of The Internet."

by MarkyMark16 July 27, 2010

Stone's Law

The principle that the more stoned you are, the more likely normal things around you are to break. It is a direct relationship between the user and the objects (electronics, doors, food packaging, public fountains) wherein the objects break in front of the user, causing him or her to wonder if the item is really broken or if they are really high.

Circa 2012: named for the American designer, professor and coffee connoisseur, who first proposed such an idea in 2006.

(After getting high) "Weird, my headphones have always worked before but now the left earpiece is broken. Is it broken? Or is this just Stone's Law?"

by StonesLaw March 5, 2019

Law of Josh

Life will give you your deepest desires and fantasy when the right time comes.

I've always dreamt of licking wine off someones back while it drips and the law of josh made it happen.

by cocacoladreams April 6, 2022

Law Of Swearing

Never should you ever use actual swear words or replacement ones in the same sentence or sentence following shortly after. It is uncalled for and inexcusable. This should be an actual law.

"What the Fudge!? Fuck you, man!" The Law of Swearing being broken. NO NO.

by TheCrazyMadHatter January 25, 2017