A turd taken in Hawaii after a large feed where the turd is so large it rests on the base of the toilet bowl and breaches the water in the toilet bowl
I ate a Quarter Pounder and nuggets last night and had to suffer through a Waikiki Wipe this morning. I am exhausted.
when you blow into the bong and water gushed out the bowl piece and shoots onto your face
“holy shit , i was taking bong rips and wiped out “
“ bro , i just wiped out “
the rag used to wipe the cock splurge from your pussy hole
I shot my man mustard up her sex slit then passed her the mog wipe to mop up her putrid puss.
When you wipe your ass after taking a shit, thinking you wiped enough, but then you have to return within minutes to wipe again
Damn my asshole itches and feels slimy, guess I need to return for an encore wipe
Used when referring to someone who is forever talking shit I.e. Referring to their need to use some toilet tissue to remove the bullshit which is forming around the edges of their mouth.
"I was partying with that hot blonde again last night."
"you talk such bullshit you need to wipe your lip."
When you gotta shit real bad but it won’t come out. Just get up there with a big wad of TP and give it the old wipe start. Works like a charm.
I had to take a duke real bad but it wouldn’t come out. So I gave my arse a wipe start. Floodgates open!
those things everyone went crazy for in 2020 for absolutely no reason
Man A: hey dude I just got some Clorox wipes!
Man A: what