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The name Alexi is graceful. Alexi is someone who is honestly a great person to have around and really brings inner circles to life. If you have an Alexi in your life, keep them forever

Samuel: Is Alexi coming to the party tomorrow?
Hayden: Of course! Alexi is the most exciting one there!

by goingviralisnotokau January 2, 2022


A girl that is named alexis is usually a bitch

Boy:hey how you doing

Alexis: fuck you

Boy:hey I was just asking how your doing you dont have to be such a bitch

by Im_just_stating_facts March 14, 2020


Alexis likes talking about cars and gaming.He wears the same clothes everyday and pretends he washes them (yeah, sure). He's not talkative when you first meet him but once you know him he talks so much it hurts your brain. He has fluffy hair but he won't let you touch it. Lame.

Person 1: Alexis has been wearing the same sweatpants for 3 days.
Person 2: I know right. Disgusting.

by watersheepfan2012 October 14, 2019


She keeps saying that she's not cuter but she definitely is.
She's got a mouth, but she's still the sweetest person you'll ever meet, though she'll probably call you a fuckface (don't take it personally she's doing her best). Capable of great amounts of growth, it radiates into others. Definite grandma energy but in all the best ways.

"Have you met my friend Alexis yet"
"Yeah bro she called me a fuckin loser and then made me a hat, I'm so confused"

by BillyTheWight July 18, 2023


Alexis, a boy who’s is mistaken for a girl who plays soccer and acts like the shit even tho he has a twin brother who is far superior to him. He dated a girl with a witches nose and got bullied for it

Bro don’t be a Alexis

by Kkkmmmmkkkk January 4, 2020


he is a gay fagot that dosent care about his friends and only cares about his girl

alexis is a hoe

by snow on wii March 30, 2020


average height, blonde haired, irish bitch, her eyes change colors, she has the wrong or too many of the right crushes, shes smart and has great friends

mason: i should've worked things out with Alexis

jake:well u screwed ur self over she hates u

by natexis April 23, 2019