A jarring dickhead who needs to stop acting like he’s got high autho tryna be like stokes dickhead . Bringing back dumb people like chyna some sen.
Gavinnnnnnn! Or oh shit it’s gavin
Gavin is a dumbass
person one : wow gavin got a 5% on his final
person two : hes a fucking moron
An amazing guy. Most of the time having blonde hair, blue eyes. sometimes gets angry easily but is the best person you will ever meet in your life. many girls like him, he’s thought he liked a few, but he’s really only in love with one he met with dark blonde hair and brown eyes. Gavin is the sweetest person you will ever know even if he doesn’t act like it, and he will always be there for you no matter what ever happens between you an him.
Gavin’s a zesty little boy with a huge mahogany forest
Her: Do you like Gavin
Me: I would, but he doesn’t like girls
Gavin(not gavin tran) is a 46 year old tradie who loves consuming a good ol’ VB long milk for breakfast at 6:00 am in the morning
Gavin is a bloody legend he has saved at least 16 orphanages from going up in flames