Any van larger than a "soccer mom" car can be called a "big jesus". The term alludes to such 4 row vans used by travelling church groups, which can seat around 8-10 people at maximum capacity. (These types of cars are also often used by campers and carpoolers.)
The term can be used as a size and appearance description with or without implication. A noncommittal use of the term in reference to one's own (or a friend's/family's) car can constitute the term as more of a pet name than sarcastic or mocking. However the term can easily be darkly mocking, mildly to moderately sarcastic and passive aggressive- a common implication being that that the speaker has a dislike or little patience for organized religions and their public visibility of character and/or influence common in areas like the American bible belt.
1: Person A- "Did you get stuck riding in the big jesus to the feild trip?"
Person B- "Ya, I was herded in with a bunch of other people."
2: Person A- "Mom's going to pick us up in big jesus."
Person B- "Ok."
3: (In a parking lot) Person A- "Yikes, look, it's a big jesus."
Person B- "Weirdos, freaks and bigots, oh my!"
Person A- "Hahaha, too true."
13๐ 2๐
1) Technique used by popular Christian bands to 'sneak' Jesus or religious themes into their music.
2) The act of stealthily slipping a crucifix into the anus of one's partner during sexual intimacy.
Don't trust Keaton, he'll give you a Sneaky Jesus when you're not lookin'.
87๐ 28๐
The man known here on earth as Dale Earnhardt. Dale Earnhardt is the Light and the Way. He died so that your drinking of imported beer would be forgiven. He suffered, died, and most of the pieces they found were buried. He has risen again, as Danica Patrick, and will come again from Formula One to judge NASCAR and its fans.
He is seated at the right hand of the Father (Elvis), and his Kingdom will have no end. Amen, y'all.
"The Redneck Jesus, Dale Earnhardt, died for your sins."
"Thou shalt not turn right."
74๐ 23๐
A phrase used in Shooter type games that involve Grenades.
Usually a randomly thrown Grenade that seems to come out of nowhere and kill you.
Upon watching the "Killcam" you discover the Grenade bounced off 4 different walls before finally detonating directly where you are.
Sometimes followed by a "Rage Quit".
BLaacKeN: Watch this nade spot FTW. I bet i get a double.
*throws nade*
*nade kills trevasco on the other side of the map*
trevasco: Wow where the fuck did that shit come from?!
*watches killcam*
trevasco: Yeah i WOULD get hit with a Jesus Nade.
Thanks alot Infinity Ward. Way to fuck up.
"trevasco left the game"
46๐ 13๐
Super Jesus was formed in 5 A.D. when he conquered the Romans, and ate their souls to gain their power. Super Jesus has the extreme power of 100 Jesus' put together and has abs that you can break walnuts over. He has been known to hold a bigass hammer and is often smiting anything in his path. He is also the father of Captain Planet and Super Man.
Any real example of Super Jesus would implode the universe 10 times over.
71๐ 22๐
A lizard that can run across the water at sub-sonic speeds.
Dude: "Jesus Christ, what was that?!"
Mang: "Jesus Lizard, Dude."
38๐ 10๐
Jesus Porras is a man who is just the most goregous and friendliest person you'll meet in your life if you ever run into him make sure you talk to him he won't bite he may look intimidating at first but he is a complete sweetheart he is the most loving person. He is also up for any challenge you throw at him even if he knows it might be dangerous. He has a body that'll make you fall in love, the voice of an angel, a smile that'll light up the room, so funny that he'll make you have a six pack by the end of the class. He is very outgoing athletic responsible people person loving caring passionate about everything he is also a ladies man girls are always around him can't even keep there eyes off of him and can't stop thinking about him he even makes guys cum in there pants when they see him
jesus porras
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