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Urban Dictionary

A place where white people go to figure out what black people are talking about. Also known as the Blactionary.


Black friend: It's Saturday night . . . Turn Up!!

White Guy: *thinking* Um, I guess that's a thing . . . I'll look it up on Urban Dictionary



Black guy on vine: THOTs be like . . . yadda yadda yadda

White guy: WTF is a "THOT"? I'll go to Urban Dictionary and see if this deserves a revine.

by Gonzo Writer April 1, 2014

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Urban Dictionary

Slang term used for someone who always turns a normal conversation into a sexual or perverted innuendo.

"My mom packed me a banana in my lunch"

"Your mom packed a banana where?"

"Ugh, you're such an Urban Dictionary"

by sarmonedoog March 29, 2010

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Urban Dictionary

A website that used to be cool, until they started censoring and checking every entry. This has made it not a public tool, but a band of moderators looking to approve or disapprove definitions as they see fit.

Now a running joke and a shadow of what it was.

Urban Dictionary used to be cool, until all the words were put before a panel of biased judges.

by Rooktastic June 15, 2010

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slang dictionary

Urbandictionary.com, enough said.

urban dictionary is the best slang dictionary ever, period.

by diseased sheep August 9, 2005

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Rural dictionary

Obviously, there's no such thing!

Dude, why would you look up rural dictionary in the urban dictionary?

by mirmirladybug October 30, 2012

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Urban Dictionary

A place for perverts to define any sexual act or thing they can and display their immaturity

hey check out my new sex move on urban dictionary!

by terrancec December 5, 2007

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blonde dictionary

A dictionary so that we can basicly make up words a blonde would use.

Prettiful is so a word, look it up in the blonde dictionary.

by inluvno1carez December 20, 2006

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