A child that was conceived after a male ejaculated into a females's anus and it leaked into her vagina.
God damn, if your mom would have just swallowed you, we wouldn't have this Bungalo Baby sitting next to us!
Generation Z:
Generation X came after the Baby Boomers.
Generation Y were coined the "Millennials" because they came about at the turn of the millennium.
Generation Z started in the ought years. ('01, '02, etc.) Hence, Ought Baby.
The Millennials grew up in a world that was never without the internet whereas an Ought Baby will grow up in a world that was never without smart phones.
A child conceived during a grieving period.
Did you here that fester was born 9 months after his grandmother passed away....he is a greif baby
The epitome of an ain't shit individual with childish tendencies ( can be female or male)
Ni*@a, you ain't nothing but a bitch baby.
Trina, I wish yo bitch baby ass would do something to me.
a. (Noun) An exclamation used when something happens, or in place of an exclamation point.
b. (Noun) A term used to describe something or someone that is mildly annoying
Note: It must be used in situations considered mild. Extreme situations require stronger exclamations, such as "fuck".
1. (Waiting for netflix to finish loading) Let's go, bitch baby!
2. (Waiting for a pedestrian to cross the road) Move it, bitch baby!
3. (When you can't open a jar of pickles) Come on, bitch baby!
someone who you can make your bitch real quick. someone gullible. someone little. someone not fierce. like you.