"Ik ga de plant bommen onder dat luik."
When in covid19 lockdown (corona virus) you meet up for some social distancing beers with your mates, you pour the first sip of your beer so you probably wont the the corona virus
Mate you didn't pour de floor you getting the virus
The part of a project that immediately follows testing.
syns: Working the kinks out of something.
Person 1: Shit! I wasn't expecting the flux capacitor to blowup. Shoulda left some time for de-fuck-uppin'...
A French expression meaning "Shitty Apple" derivate from "Pomme de Terre" (Patatoe)
Coined by the Honorable Sabrina Somersall in the early XXI century. As an expletive against the absurdity of learning Quebecois.
French person:Tata, ta tarte tatin tenta Tonton ; Tonton tâta ta tarte tatin, Tata
Known in Belgium as a famous Congo djembe player.
Kentgy Serge? Wie, Serge De Congolees? Ja das toch de vader van Serge Jr.?
One of the hardest (if not the hardest) hoods in all of Canada. Much like what (compton) is to the united states. Produced many great emcees suck as Eazy Iz.
Whenever i drive through Cites Des Jeunes, i keep my doors locked and my head down.
A being or thing that stinks repulsively.
A slang "mexican" word for "little cool dude". Sometimes used for affection to a little sope(s).
The king of sope sometimes uses this word...he is the one who wrote this definition, of course.
Hi sope de caca!
What are you doing, you sope de caca?!
What you doing, sope?
It smells like a sope de caca you sope de caca..