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Wank Bastard

A person who is a very naughty boy, or both fat and a wanker, or a bastard.
commen insult.

Dylan Taylor is such a wank bastard

by Cooper :) August 9, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

crout bastard

A slur for Germans, used usually in the context of World
War II.

I'm going to kill those Nazi crout bastards!

by Nettie88 March 15, 2008

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ginger bastard

need i say more stuart

hell if only i was made the proper way

by a known hater July 20, 2004

27๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

bastardized english

bastardized english is a type of speech used by people who do poor imitations of Aussies. They take any word that has an "ite" or "ike" and make it sound Australian, and are left with a shitty sounding gay word. Only Daryn Jones from the TV show Buzz can do it and sound funny.

Strike=Stroike-only funny when Daryn says it
Vagina=Vagoina-from the film BASEketball so its funny
Quite=Quoite-just not cool
Night=Noight-also quite gay
Bike=Boike-kind of interestingly homosexual

by Ninjalo March 24, 2004

11๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shitfaced Bastard

1. When your face is covered in excrement and you don't have a father OR;
2. When you have been a total knob and called your mate a prick, you are known as a shitfaced bastard

Jonny: Prick.

Tom: Stop calling me a prick you shitfaced bastard!

Jonny: Oh no! I fell in cow crap! Oh no, I just remembered Dad...

by sheeprule November 8, 2006

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black bastard

Big pupil eyes, normally used to explain someone using a psychedelic drug.

joe- "Look at your eyes You black bastard! Did you get some LSD?"
karl- "Yes!"

by daytripper60 November 11, 2009

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russian bastard

when i girls sucking ur cock and she bites it off

fucking bitch u bit my cock off u russian bastard!

by drinkmachine777 June 22, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž