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Deep Shit

1. A person or informant who speaks nonsense and bullshitting when you actually need proper information on something or someone.

2. The opposite of Deep Throat.

Man A: So what else do I need to know about Elise? She's hot dude!

Man B: She likes coffee! ow yeah!

Man A: Dude, you're seriously a Deep Shit.

by adrammelech July 31, 2012

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Bag Deep

1. Full throttle, sinking to the hilt, literally or figuratively.
2. Highly favorable defensive position which offers an unobstructed field of view.
3. Depth of coitus.
4. Willingness to go bag deep (take the whole shaft) to obtain something.

"He went bag deep to break that tackle and get that touchdown."

"I didn't know if her roommate was home so I went bag deep to watch the front door."

a."I think I bruised my pelvis." b."Oh, you went bag deep?" a."Yeah, a real hammerjacking."

"Damn, he's bag deep after that promotion."

by jagerhall March 9, 2011

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Deep Swish

The greatest Rap Group ever conceived. Born in the hell-fires of Muskegon, Michigan. They Ruled the world with their delicious songz, Such as Dragon Slayerz, and Make some noise. They can be reached at www.Reverbnation.com/deepswish There you will find some of their music and information to contact them for a gig

person 1: Hey have you heard DEEP SWISH's new CD Dragon Slayerz?

Person 2: Hell yeah i was just bumping it in my car a few minutes ago!

by MC Deep March 28, 2011

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Deep Brown

Your in some deep shit.

"You boys are in some serious deep brown!"

by ELWANKUSPANKUS September 4, 2003

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Deep sheep

An in-depth convosation

Person: The convosation i had with last night was deep sheep

by THWIP! June 28, 2010

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deep chelsea

Something that is very stereotypically gay in a cliche way.

That club is deep chelsea, all the boys look like they're from Abercrombie & Fitch ads.

by rocky August 7, 2003

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roll deep

to ride in an automobile with a large number of individuals

You see we rollin deep, going to eat some chicken with five of my closest friends.

by Gary April 18, 2003

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