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The Tim McGraw Effect

The Tim McGraw effect takes place whenever you associate a certain thing with a past lover. Usually this occurs because it was an interest/passion of said person. Comes from the Taylor Swift song “Tim McGraw” where she sings the line “when you hear Tim McGraw, I hope you think of me”.

“Bro every time I hear a Nicki Minaj Song I think of Brittney. She would always play her music in the car.”

“Yeah—its the Tim McGraw Effect

by Nicki is my idol January 31, 2021

Tim fatty Angerton

Tim fatty Angerton is a holiday that was invented in 2000, it is celebrated on the 28th of December. what you do is you invite your friends and family you eat nothing but appetizers or finger foods your drink beer listen to music and play multiple types of games. no, not video games or anything on your phone/ electronics , you play card games and bored games, you can play what ever game you may want to play, to keep it exciting every year there is a different theme. depending on what your family and friends pick, depending on who went with the theme each and one of the gets to pick a game they desire to play. (themes are not always you can do it once in a while)!

Leo“Hey you going to Belle’s house for Tim fatty Angerton celebration this year?”

Michella“Of course i am man i’ve been waiting for this since Xmas!;)”

Belle“Hey by the way guys the theme is funny Xmas socks ;)”

by bahahsxbkefnd August 31, 2019

Tim Horton's Crew

The name for the group of low-lifes, deadbeats, high school dropouts, druggies etc. that hang around Tim Horton's restaurants all day long!


Person 1: "Look at those people sitting there"
Person 2: "Yeah they're the T.H.C."
Person 1: "What's T.H.C."
Person 2" "Tim Horton's Crew"

Person 1 & 2: "What Losers!"

by JoTySmith November 19, 2010

12👍 4👎

tim burners lee

The guy who invented the World Wide Web (not the Internet)

Praise that man!

I might have mispelt his middle name, oh well.

by SAX-A-MA-PHOOOONE... November 3, 2003

13👍 5👎

Tim Burke

A fat faggot that sucks dick.

Wow you see that Tim Burke.

by Nigger It's a boi faggot March 16, 2017

1👍 4👎

Tim Tebow-ner

When QB Tim Tebow of the Florida Gators scores a touchdown or makes a great play this normally occurs.

Guy 1: Did you see Tebow score that long touchdown?

Guy 2: Yeah man, i did! It gave me a Tim Tebow-ner!

by mccoot27 November 27, 2008

60👍 39👎

tiny box tim

Markiplier's little biscuit

I wanna buy a tiny house for tiny box tim to live in just an itty bitty one it would be adorable

by darkclaw wolfgod June 4, 2021