Source Code

pimp the situation

Make the best out of the moment / Wing it, dude...

Person 1: Hey dude, I'm falling for this girls but I'm too shy to talk to her.
Person 2: pimp the situation, pussy.

by OfficialHAA April 21, 2017

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pimp nautical

Like pimp nasty, only more yacht prep.

Sam: Wow, Jill's shirt is so pimp nautical.
Bill: Wow Sam, you're really white.

by ausmile December 21, 2008

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Romeo Pimp

A β€œpimp” who convinces his girlfriend/wife/baby mama to become a ho β€œtemporarily”, so that they may get out of a financial jam. She is usually his only ho. If there is another ho, it is typically one of her friends. He has no idea what it takes to be a real pimp, but he wants to do desperately. His girlfriend ho is actually the one in charge.

Also known as a Chili pimp, Boyfriend pimp or Simp pimp.

Individual #1: β€œRicky fancies himself a pimp but his only ho’s are his girlfriend and her friend. He has no idea what he’s doing. They be living outta that motel”

Individual #2: β€œHe’s a Romeo Pimp for sure”

by DP32 November 20, 2020

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Something that was rather Pimp, but then was damaged or distroyed losing it's spiffyness or the fact that it is no longer pimped or tricked out....

My sis de-pimped my ride! in otherwords she crashed my car.

by Abhorsen January 7, 2006

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pimp squared

pimp squared
Also known as pimpΒ² or pimp to the power of two

:: More pimp
:: Double the pimpness

Nathan is pimp squared.

by Tekk27x February 14, 2005

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popo pimp

An older man who drives an expensive car or is immeasurably wealthy.

Hey, I saw a popo pimp the other day.

Oh yeah? Where?
Down by the yacht club, he had a gold chain on his neck and everything.

by plaidmaster April 16, 2014

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pimp sling

a sling worn around the neck to hold up and maintain an extremely long and girthy penis.

dude, i got a new purple velvet pimp sling for my bro yesterday!

by zemsten December 31, 2008

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