I can’t even say this definition. Because I died of school boringness
School. Wow
A building where kids get beat up by the teachers learning and getting fucked in the ass by knowledge.
My teachers plugs knowledge up me ass in school
A creativity-crushing, dream-ruining, self-esteem-lowering, depressing hellhole that tells us that we will never have any freedom and we never be able to pursue out interests. And then when we can finally go home for the day and do something that will have relevance in our lives they pile hours upon hours of homework that takes away even more freedom and if you don’t do that useless shit you get yelled at and will most likely have the things you lobby most taken away.
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done?
Go to school
a long and pointless part of life to suck out your soul and for the government to decide whether you're going to live in riches or if you're going into a soul-sucking career with barely a salary. they also hand out something called homework that'll make sure you can never follow your REAL ambitions. it's fucking horrible and the sooner people realise the better.
person1: hey what's that sound?
person2: the souls of the dammed, over there at the school
person1: I thought that's what I heard, poor students
A social hierarchy ruled by kids compensating for their own deep insecurities by putting others down.
School? I think someone died there yesterday.
A government-sanctioned concentration camp that brainwashes parents into thinking it's important.
I don't care if there is a tornado, you're still going to school!