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another meaning for a homesxual individual/couple

Those guys are interested to drug people.

by zoeyzoeyzoey May 13, 2022


A very bad thing. Scenario: Ooh, those are half price! Let me try! You buy the drug. Feeling so good after taking it, you have another! Then, you feel bad…. You take another and another and another until your addiction kills you.

My parents take drugs. (Not real just an example)

by The truth + scenario October 15, 2021


Something doja cat and ariana grande don't do

"I don't do drugs"

by lovineverytime December 27, 2022


are bad

dont do drugs

by xX_coolmandude_XX9999 June 19, 2018


Idk, but i think it’s for kids

Give me those drugs!

by SomethingThat Animates December 17, 2020


Is a term for medicine but every one associated with illegal drugs

Hey dude I got to go and go get me drugs
Wait dude you do drugs
No I mean drugs

by Mocaperson December 6, 2020


medicine, nothing else.

“After your transplant you’ll have to take these drugs every day for the rest of your life to avoid organ rejection

“Thanks doctor i’ll keep that in mind

by this username sucks April 11, 2021