A baked idiot is someone who has smoked so much weed that even simple tasks seem impossible, or take too much extra time.
I can't believe he just did that, what a baked idiot.
A dumb group of kids who have no life
Me-I have no life
Kid-then your a fundamental idiot
白痴 《—— Bai (second tone) Chi (First Tone, but actually sounds more like tzi, buuuut chinese is hard for a reason so if you wanna type this phrase, the pinyin is bai chi) also, BTW this phrase is actually pretty offensive, so it's not like, okay, ur dumb, only use this when talking to yourself or when you're talking to close family and/or friends and you don't mind getting slapped. (unless that is, the person doesn't understand chinese, you can say it whenever)
For the example of use for idiot in Chinese, you can use it when ever you would normally use the word "idiot" in english.
Someone that thinks that only men can be sexist, when in reality, anyone can be sexist, just like anyone can be racist.
Karen is a sexist idiot
A flat-screen television. This does not include rear-projection TVs; they fall under the heading idiot box.
Jim: Yo, where's Marcel?
Ed: Probably chillin' in front of the idiot panel.
Someone who can't handle their booze and carries on like a complete bellend.
Everytime he drinks, Nick turns into nothing but a pissed idiot.
The idiot hipster believes that a band that has a fan base can't be a good band and prefers a band that sells NO albums because it proves to the idiot hipster that the band has too much integrity to sell out.