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The deadliest creature on Earth other than Mosquitoes.

It seems like that there are more people that you cannot trust than you can.

by PhoenixGamer34 March 2, 2022


What people that act as if some certain person's death *cough* Technoblade *cough* is the end of the world need to do. I mean sure, his death was a sad occurrence, but it still doesn't change the fact that it's stupid to claim that it's the end of the world, which a bunch of crybabies on YouTube and other websites like that are doing and will continue to do.

Karen needs to STFU about how she claims that she is the only person on Earth that matters.

by PhoenixGamer34 July 9, 2022


Among Us memes

Among Us memes are cringe

by PhoenixGamer34 November 29, 2022


Something that doesn't matter more than facts.

Despite what some overly sensitive losers think, especially those that complain about how someone "hurt their feelings", feelings will never matter more than facts.

by PhoenixGamer34 May 22, 2021

Me, Myself and I

A term that people that only care about themselves love to use.

Entitled person: Everything is about me, myself and I. Therefore, I deserve everything that you have, including your $20 million mansion, your super expensive supercar, your money and your children.
Rich person: You ain't getting shit and you can go fuck yourself.

by PhoenixGamer34 April 21, 2022

6👍 11👎

Red Bull

An energy drink that, despite the bullshit slogan, does not give you wings, nor does it, despite what some people claim, does not contain bull urine or bull semen in it.

Fucking moron: I decided to mix my Coffee with Red Bull to switch it up.
Someone that is not a fucking moron: Do you want to die?

by PhoenixGamer34 September 16, 2021

A complete fucking dumbass

Joe Biden, the illegitimate “president” of our once proud country that was installed like a toilet, rather than elected.

Hal Steinbrenner is a complete fucking dumbass for keep giving new contracts to the overrated Brian Cashman, who is also a complete fucking dumbass.

by PhoenixGamer34 September 20, 2023