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A Holy, devine and supreme Being capable of manufacturing miracles, making dreams come true, influencing millions of people through making them happy beyond belief.

mike ruddock, wales rugby coach, IS god. woooo in yer face you english pommes!! woo grand slam 2005!!

by Aled June 23, 2005

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Used in most cases to call upon the Father to see something that has you in complete and total amazement or disgust.

God!!! Did you see that?!?
God, I can`t believe I did that!!!

by David Bishop April 23, 2004

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Word initially spelt, 'Dog'. However, when the Bible was written people wrote backwards, so the term 'God' was founded.
God was originally a salivating canine who did not create Adam and Eve because he did not have opposable thumbs.

You are an almighty God, you mongrel!!

by The Virgin Mary February 20, 2005

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God is the universe. It doesn't think or create life, it just exists and nothing more. So we can stop using the word God and just say universe. We are all in the same universe and we all just exist, but it is due to nothing comprehendable. Of course this disproves all religion, but science already disproves all classical religion anyway. What I believe in is that we exist in the universe and nothing more. Science is the only set of laws that should exist and should be followed.

We are all here in the universe. I wish it were more complicated, but it isn't. God is just a mistaken concept of the universe.

by _shadowfoot_ July 31, 2008

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All of those good comforting things (like a teddy bear, not a....other things...>_<)

Tamara: I talked to God today. 'o'
Mom: Good for you. ^o^

by Dr. Luigi April 28, 2004

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A very popular semi-imaginary being whose believers serve as a straw man for Atheists.

Most likely a mechanism in the human brain used to cope with survival.

Though many people have died for It, many people live for It as well.

Just because it's in your imagination and you keep it to yourself doesn't mean it will hurt you. Some people need to believe in god.

Atheist, talking to themselves: Christian: I believe in God, even though (scientific theory that Atheist read about in Time the other day) says it's not true.

Atheist, talking to themselves: Hindu: God exists because (mentions several seemingly barbarous traditions of Hinduism) GAR GAR GAR!!!

Athiest to imaginary straw men: No, because (scientific explanation)

Passing Agnostic: STRAW MAN!!!
John Lennon:I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?

Me: I don't have to believe in god and I don't have to not believe in god. Either way, I'll die and if I rot, it's not like I can be disappointed, and if I get to heaven, it's not like i lost.

by amused former atheist October 7, 2010

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The Creator of the Universe, Earth, and you.
"He sent his one and only son, that whoever shall believe in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
The only father that loves, cares, and forgives u no matter what you have done.

Creator, Messiah, Almighty, Father, The Annointed One, and the One and Only God.

by God's Child March 31, 2012

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