Source Code

London lay low

Long haired Faggot band who enjoys playing circle jerk. normally the loser has all the other band members drizzle there cum on his face as he says Big Green! Give me more!
basically they love any kind of dick. long short stuby chuby hairy scabby circumsized uncircumsized shaved white or black limp or hard. doesnt matter


Mike roberts was defeated by his own band london lay low @ a game of circle jerk so ryan littlejohn drizzled his cum on mikes mouth an chest.

by Daytonian September 14, 2009

Low-battery measures

When your cellphone battery runs low, you have to take take low-battery measures such as reducing brightness, closing applications or maybe even switching on airplane mode.

A: "Why is your screen so dark? Do you even see something?"
B: "I'm running low on battery, I have to take low-battery measures to make it through the day."

by Peter324 December 12, 2013

low altitude bombing

code for taking a crap

Dam guys I need to do some low altitude bombing is the bathroom clean cuz it wont be.

by Bob Oso February 12, 2006

All time low

The lowest point in your life so far, most likely after a break up and you miss someone because you recalled loved them and we're practically Inlove.

'Dude after he broke up with Sarah he's been on an all time low'
'I know dude, I feel bad for him, Sarah was everything to him'

by XxSophiexXOwlXx February 22, 2016

44πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Low-poly depression

The sad, nostalgic feeling you get when you look at a childhood game and remember a point in life where you simply felt happy, knowing nothing will make you feel that way ever again.

Person 1: I miss when I used to play game as a kid. It just doesn't feel the same nowadays.
Person 2: Yeah, low-poly depression is a bitch.

by blairswag June 12, 2021

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Down Low Lurker

A man on the DL who lurks around public restrooms, parks, truck stops, porn stores, the locker room and shower at the gym, etc. looking for some random stranger(s) to have sex with.

I hate going to the gym on Thursdays after work. There’s this creepy DL Lurker who always seems to be hanging around in the shower or wandering the locker room in a towel.

I swear to God, her boyfriend is a down low lurker. I see him hanging around by the library bathroom three nights a week.

by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008

119πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

low, slow & easy

Low, slow & easy is a saying for pilots to say in FSX when preparing for an emergency landing that contains an impact into a ground that is not a runway. Stay low, go slow, and take it easy.

Pilot: We are going to pull a Sully Sullenburger, we are landing in the Salt Lake.
Background Pilot: Low, slow & easy.

by nonameihavenocreativity October 29, 2018