Chain gang is a group made by Gang leader Ethan Henderson. Chain gang people can be seen wearing chains in public. They respect drip. If members disobey they are given the big toe from dr doudna the holy leader
Shit he’s what’s he wearing? “Chains he’s totally in the chain gang
an apparatus, usually acquired in an illegitimate manner, which sets parameters as to one's personal vicinity and likeness; while also adding a healthy dose of 'thug' to the wearer
Brother was all wild n' crazy, had his dome-chain strapped on HELLA tyght!
Two Stick One Chain Means A Nunchuck
Leonardo: Mikey wheres to two stick, one chain
Mikey: My Nunchuck
The resulting email chain from a group email, caused when a question is sent to multiple people, and everyone chirps in with varying replies, possibly including adding additional recipients who might have some interest in the matter (or more than likely not).
Good indicators are when multiple people send emails basically saying the same thing, or when new random people start chirping in to a discussion that's already been agreed.
That issue with the sales team? That really started am email chain of death, didn't it?!
When a Girl has a STD such as syphilis or any other nasty STD. Also when a man catches a STD from a girl.
Stay away from that girl, she got that dirty bike chain.
That girl gave me a dirty bike chain.
1. When a Chain Reaction ends up positive instead of negative.
2. When one person has sex, is more confident because of it, who motivates someone else to have sex with them, who in turn is more confident, rinse, lather, repeat.
1. So, I got held up in a class, but it let me stay with this cute girl, which allowed me to get her number.
2. Me sleeping with Brenda allowed her to have a Chain Happy Ending. Aren't I the best?
The term "Pussy On The Chain Wax" refers to a partner that satisfies their female partner so effectively that their partner is keeping up consistent grooming of their vaginal area to prompt sexual interaction.
"My tinder date went so well, I put that pussy on the chain wax."
"My girlfriend said we needed to spice up our sex life. So last night I laid it down so good, I put that pussy on the chain wax."