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office slut

The office slut is usually has no ability to perform office work. she does however look the part. She works out so her body is impressive, her hair and nails are always done. However when she opens her mouth to speak you realize she is a complete idiot. She will be given a permanent position at the office quickly even though she can barely read and write properly. She usually is sleeping with her married manager boss or whoever else she can have sex with to advance her career. Other office workers usually hate her and she is shunned by most male workers for fear of loosing their jobs if the manager sees them talking to his fuck toy.

"DB is the office slut. She has only worked here two years and has been screwing one of the managers since the first week. For her efforts she was soon promoted and she still can't do her job, but she'll never be fired.

by hardworking non hottie April 15, 2009

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Club Slut

One of the many women that go out, usually in large groups, wearing impossibly high heels, and absurdly short dresses/skirts. It's a miracle they don't fall over and flash the entire club more often.

These women usually will be seen trying to get free drinks, and abandoning their friends for the first guy that shows interest.

Note: Also have about an inch of make-up caked on

Jess: Damn, I just saw that girl flash the bartender for a drink

Sara: Club slut!

by CiarraiReily July 27, 2009

55๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

stoner slut

1. One who acts slutty whilst under the influence of marijuana.

2. One who will perform sexual acts in exchange for marijuana.

3. One who smokes weed often, and is sexually promiscuous.

Oh wow, Cindy is such a stoner slut.

by Evil Bella October 23, 2004

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Faithful Slut

A girl that gets slutty with you and only you. A very nice package deal if you like getting it in a lot. Which, what guy doesn't?

Girl: shes such a whore, look at that dress
Guy: naww..i dated her. shes a faithful slut.

by codypokessmot September 17, 2011

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Slut Slayer

1. (Noun) A man who exclusively goes out with complete skanks and has figured out the simple pattern to picking up questionable trim.


Person A: Aaron is always picking up on nasty bitches.

Person B: Yeah, probably because Aaron is a notorious slut slayer.

by Miller Andrew October 25, 2013

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Summer Slut

Waiting until summer to flirt with, hook up with, or get involved with another. Called a summer slut because for the rest of the year you don't do anything like that. You wait until summer to start.

Stacey is such a summer slut. The whole school year she never went out or flirted with anyone but this passed summer she's hooked up with three different guys.

by SummerSlut August 11, 2008

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smut slut

A person who is obsessed with smut.

She is such a smut slut; she reads smut all day long.

by jessy d October 12, 2007

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