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Titty Tots

When a female places Tater Tots in between or around her Titty's to fulfill the purpose of having a sexual partner eat them or for any other desired reason.

Guy: Yo Brooklyn let me eat Titty Tots last night!
Guy 2: Fuck, lucky bastard.

by The scrubbiest April 8, 2019

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Titty Test

A preemptive vaginal smell test. Where by you finger a chick then proceed to cup her breast, lick her nipple and smell your finger simultaneously. Determining if you should munch it or not.

Matt was with this drunk girl trailer park girl and decided it was better to titty test her before trespassing on her dirt farm.

by mva boys January 25, 2010

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It is the kind of titty that connects the regular boobage area and the back titties into one continuous tit. You do not know where it begins or where it ends.

Friend 1- "Did you see that fat man at the pool?"

You- "Yeah! His infini-titty went on for days!"

by buckshot_0001 November 19, 2009

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titty head

When a guy sucks your nipples so good it's comparable to head.

Girl, he gave me the best titty head of my life last night.

by bebethegoddess August 15, 2017

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Bananna Titties

The breast of a woman mimic the shape and curvature of a bananna; this is usually found among primative cultures lacking bra technology.

Dude her bananna titties sag like fried eggs nailed to the wall!

by I Cup In January 11, 2006

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nigger titties

Chocolate kisses, such as the Hershey variety. Named for the brown color and titty shape they naturally assume.

Hey, pass me that bag of nigger titties.

by Garrotte75 May 5, 2009

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Big titties!

An exclamation or expression of joy. Saying is drawn from the many correlations between large tatas and times of plenty; good times or general excitement.

"Hey dudes! I just got a promotion... Big titties!!"

"Hey, I heard there is free beer at that party!"
"Big titties! Lets go!"

by the_real_RockNRollMike September 23, 2009

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