A squirrel face is someone with bushy eyebrows
Look it's that bitch squirrel face again! Such a miserable thing..
Going down on a girl while on her period
He looked up at me with a pasta face.
Misbehaving with dyed-blonde hair when you aren’t naturally blonde.
A portmanteau of Gavrilo and Galvini, due to Rome’s penchant for blonde slaves visible in Classical Art, plus the suffix -face. Kinda like Black-face, also at odds with white supremacy.
“Bro, that spaz went full Galvrini-face on us!!!”
A music video focusing exclusively or almost-exclusively on the singer's face -- perhaps most famously in recent memory, Sia's "Buttons". Often shares similarities the walking video.
1: Come to my house, we're filming a music video for my band
2: What, like a face video? As if you could even pull THAT off.
Person 1: gets killed by person 2
Person 1: continues to call person 2 a poopy fart face
When they only like to show half of there face on Snapchat or in pictures in general
Mariah : wow hector is such a side face on Snapchat
Ryann : I know right
Hector : I know I am
The dilettante politician oozed over to the podium, and started telling fat face lies.