Staying skinny while eating like an obese american
"Bro i just ate five Big Macs"
"Dude, that's fatty behaviour"
A fucking sexy beast monkey that went missing and everyone is sad. He is a obese monkey that has the biggest schlong!
Omg uncle fatty went missing nooooo!
When a girl named Anastasia eats a spearmint gum and gives oral.
“i juss got a spearmint fatty?”
“what was it like”
“i don’t know, but anastasia was good at it”
one of those new boxes from Taco Hell, with like five tacos/burritoes in it! Only a true fatty could finish the whole damn thing!
A: I dunno what to get
B: Why don't you get a Fatty Box, fatty?
A: Hmm good idea!
What You Call Someone Who Sucks At Tennis.
That guy is very Fatty Mcdoogle. Yeah Suckas!
A marshy, unstable, king-sized lipper
Chris, “Hey Tony, you dipping a lipper there buddy?
Tony, “Oh, bro, I’ve got in a fatty swamper”
Chris, “Lol bro that thing is marshy”