Source Code

Biscuit Tin

The rest room/ bath room/ toilet/ bogatries etc etc

An unsanitised and frankly disgusting shitty public toilet

"Excuse me old boy but I've had a few too many lagers and curry and so could you please direct me to the nearest Biscuit Tin?"

by Hector Knox December 27, 2005

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Blow-on-a-Biscuit is a masturbation game that guys play where all the guys participating jerk off and blow their loads on a biscuit -- the last dude to have a cumgasm has to eat the biscuit.

It's Sunday night, and we're all gonna play Blow-on-a-Biscuit!

by eda-skip December 6, 2021

369๐Ÿ‘ 434๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chocolate Biscuit

Also known as Milk's Favorite Cookie the only REAL chocolate biscuit The OREO consists of a sweet, white filling commonly referred to as 'cream' or 'creme', sandwiched between two circular chocolate biscuits.

1: How do you eat your chocolate biscuit?

2: The only way! Twist it, lick it, dunk it!

by ninnananna June 10, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck biscuits

A term relavant to that of hell. It is used to describe a state of unhappiness. It is mostly used as a simily to describe a form of discomfort.

Dude, its hot as fuck biscuits out here.

by phonermanon June 13, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Meaning to "go hard", to toughen up over time and not be easily broken or consumed by anything. To do something to the best of your ability despite the circumstances.

Man, I had a long day and I'm tired but I'm still about to go up in this gym and go cold-biscuits on these weights.

Just because your girl dumped you, you stopped working out? Man you better keep it cold-biscuits and go hit the iron!

by Jay Infamous May 27, 2013

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Sex biscuit

It's an acrostic for Super Ego xylophones and biscuit is what you get when you cross dress Kim kardashian and Rick Moranus

Dude you're such a sex biscuit!
The fuck you said to me?
Chillax bro your just a xylophone cross dresser!

by MasterQueef01 November 11, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fannybatter Biscuit

The name for a vagina when it secretes a lubricating fluid, or in more impressive cases actually squirts, prior to, during and after sexual congress.

"If you're not careful that fannybatter biscuit will drown you."

by Fugly dumpster slut February 27, 2010

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