A person with mental retardation who also smokes pot and thinks that any girl that is polite to him must want to fuck his ugly ass.
What a Cody he thinks that going to the bar together is a date but hasn’t considered how fucking ugly and stupid he is.
Cody is the type of person you can trust. He is reliable and makes a good friend/ boyfriend. He is loyal and optimistic. He cracks the best of jokes and will always make you laugh. Cody is usually hanging out with Karman.
Hey did you know that Cody and Karman have been dating for months.
cody is a character in sml he is a nerd and gay he is dating a doll his friends junior and joseph make fun of him so to get back at junior he banged his dad bowser as chef peepee multiple times
cody: i banged your dad
junior: but my dad`s not gay!
Cody (Coty and Kodi also fall under the same psychological makeup) is a rural man; a man of strong beliefs. Recurring acts driven by emotional impulse define his life, and because of this, many people misunderstand the enigma that is a Cody. Common interests are fishing, Nacsar, and Busch Lite. The conflict in a Cody’s life is always centered around a juxtaposition of what he knows to be true and what others want him to know as truth.
Kelsie: “Clint has a nice new boat and wants us to hang out in the river tomorrow”
Cody: “All he wants is pretty girls like you that only have two kids to take a likin’ to him and leave me here alone out in the county with nothin’ but a cold six pack and a broken heart. You’re staying’ here with the kids or you can be single and take a job down at the strip joint off 79”
A round thick person with a very limited IQ. Doesn't shine the brightest thinks on the fly. Tends to tell some tall tales. Has a very odd stanky smell.
A depressed, boarderline alcoholic, failure of a person, and was mediocre at all subjects but English.
Listen son you dont want to turn out like uncle Cody do you.