Source Code

Jesse's Special Mix of Steam

A beverage made by teenagers in a dire time of need,
by mixing any alchohol found in you parents cupboard.

Jesse: waddafuck....
Soren: been drinking Jesse's Special Mix of Steam! TRY IT!
Jesse: I am Jesse....

by Naughty=Monkey November 24, 2012

jesse jane

A person that is loyal and only does a bad thing once.

Person 1: Hey did you hear what Jesse jane did. Person 2:yea but I don't think she will do it again

by Jane mindy November 8, 2020

jess and mia

Jess and Mia are usually two best friends that can never be broken apart , they don’t usually fight but then they do , they get over it. Whenever something is wrong the other one is always there to turn to. They tell each other when each others crush are flirting with them and they can’t spot it . They both have glistening blue eyes and class each other as sisters because their hearts love each other so much !

Jess and Mia are so perfect with each other , I want their friendship so much !

by [unknown] true^ March 21, 2018

jess kell

this girl is probably satan , probably get the least guys and if she does there twats, her friends are fake and she is suicidal so if you meet a jess kell love her conditionally because went she is loved she is the nicest person when she puts the effort in when you put effort in she’s even better now if you know a jess kell like i do don’t get on her bad side because she’s a bit of a craxkhead and bitch. other than that go for it my dudes

jess kell is a complete form of satan

by hero887 October 17, 2019

Jesse Ojei

Someone who has no sense of personal space, will always try and make the worst jokes, and loves to talk shit but can't take it.

"Bro did you see Jesse Ojei yesterday? He tried to talk shit about someones gf and got decked!" "Yeah! his jokes suck, but he's so proud of it!"

by September 30, 2020

Jess Zawadzki


Jess Zawadzki is a bitch

by Rjehgkwkf September 6, 2020

Jess Zawadzki


Jess Zawadzki is a bitch

by Rjehgkwkf September 6, 2020