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a beautiful young girl who is successful in everything she does. She seems shy at first but when you get to know her its hard to shut her up, shes clever, funny, beautiful, intelligent and witty. Dont get on the wrong side of a her. She is an amazing friend, a great listener and a great companion, if you ever meet one make sure you make her your friend because she's probably pure amazing. She normally has bright silky ginger hair in curls that flow down to her shoulder blades.

person 1: dude, who's that?
person 2: that's Lily-Peg
person 1: wow she's beautiful!
person 2: i know

by edsheeranmad101 May 14, 2013

Lily Mendes

The best loser in town. She loves saying "no u" and breaking rules. Always living on the edge while living her best life while she fantasies about marrying famous singer Shawn Mendes.

Cc: Loser
Lily Mendes: No u *spams no u*

by seasea🌊 November 25, 2018

Lily Wolfhard

Lily wolfhard is Finn wolfhards girlfriend, wife, soulmate. What ever you want to call them. But they are unbreakable

Bailey: wow, you see Lily Wolfhard
Momia: omg, shes flawless.

by perfumeperry February 22, 2021

lily felure

She is the most beautiful human being. She has very curly hair which she straightens a lot. Also has an AMAZING personality for example she will get mad at you then will forgive you and give you a second chance to fix your mistake. When she makes a joke about something even if it's just a little one everyone laughs right away. She is also a HUGE twilight fan and is thankfully team Edward. She also is a HUGE animal lover and cares for all of her animals. When you hang out with her it's the time of your life she is so fun to be around you do so many fun things together. Then you can't forget that she is a huge bookworm and has read the twilight saga 1 million times. Also when you and lily were little you used to play American Girl dolls, equestrian girls, and lps and that was so much fun when you guys were little. And don't even get me started on how sweet she is oh my god she would literally do anything for you cause she cares so much and all of that plus more is why you guys have been friends for over 10+ years and still going strong.

"wow look at lily felure she is amazing like how? "

"because she just is "

by evieissocool June 24, 2021

lili hobbus

my bff , i love her so fkn much. Makes everyday 100000 better and never fails to make me laugh. WOW what would i do without my Lili. Bit of an idiot sometimes but that's ALRRRIGHT. If you don't have a Lili, get one. hehehe love u lili xoxo

Lili Hobbus is my best friend in the world. This is cringe. I love you

by MWAH SWEETIE September 5, 2018


Urban Dictionary

Lily-Maude is the best of the best, she’s la crème de la crème. She’s the prettiest girl someone will ever see, she outshines everyone around her with her beauty, but that still doesn’t make her mean or vain. She is so smart and nice, everyone wants to be her friend and hang out with her. Lily-Maudes are usually the leaders of the group, but not bossy. They are amazing mom friends! They care about everyone and help everyone out. A Lily-Maude is always very hot, sexy and beautiful. Lily-Maudes are popular and everyone likes them, and their instagram feed is always goals! You are very lucky if you have a Lily-Maude in your life.

I saw this girl in my math class, she was so hot dude! She must be a Lily-Maude. I made a new friend yesterday, her name is Lily-Maude, she was so generous and gorgeous!

by cheesyradiance September 26, 2018

Lily Hell

A bit of a bitch, will bite you if she’s pissed but makes a mean batch of cookies. Makes stupid bets, and has a resting bitch face. Overall, pretty lovable if you can survive her.

Person 1: “what’s the homework from yesterday”


by Gluck gluck 69 November 9, 2019