prison for children, write useless things that you will never need in your life for 7 hours, shitty lunch food, mostly shitty teachers who will destroy any left over self-esteem and will mainly focus on helping the good students and will not do anything to help the ones that are struggling, cant speak, go to the toilet or take a sip of water without permission from the teacher, jackasses in class who act like gods compared to everyone else, asking you to finish their assignment for them, give them YOUR money and food
Teacher: Now open your books page 46 and-
Kid: Can I go to the bathroom?
Teacher: I don't know.. CAN YOU?
Kid: ...
Kid: ... MAY I go to the bathroom?
Teacher: No
Kid: But- it's an emergency
Teacher: The bell rings in 10 minutes, hold it in
Kid: Are you kidding me?
Teacher: Quiet, start reading
Kid: This school sucks..
you dont wanna go... but you have to. it sucks
12 year old who has tiktok: Mom i dont wanna go to school
Mom: too bad
12 year old who has tiktok: but im gonna die of boredom
my mom forced me to go to school and i said no... now im grounded
A stupid ass thing that'll ruin your brain and get tortured by, People got upset about it even though everyone complains about it
"I hate school"
"I hate school too!"
"I Hate school too!"
School lover: "You guys hate it? :( I love school <3"
A kid slaps the shit outta the school lover. "Bitch you gotta hate school!"
The living hell we are forced to visit every week and learn useless information and be told we are idiot
a complete waste of time. source of plentiful amounts of stress, sadness, any negative emotion you could possibly imagine. i hate school
school = ew
a hell hole where you get bad food you get boring classes where you fall asleep where you have to go for 13 years where teacher's yell at you where you have to do homework when you should relax at home and more also i am pretty sure 100% of sucide is from it
p,s i don't think school should stop but at least make it fun to learn tell them things you will need to know like how to get a house or a car or anything