Happens during a hot day in the hood.. your car has no AC and your seats are Cloth so the underwear becomes stuck to your sweaty wet ass while you drive around looking for pussy lips that are dripping with yellow puss coming out.
Man i wish this Wet Swamp Stain would go away before I get licked by this freak with yellow oozing pussy lips.
When you yahtzee so hard you spackle a chick's tonsils.
Another way to say you should swallow semen. "You should really flush that tonsil stain down."
The blood spots a Crystal methamphetamine addicted female leaves behind in her underwear, sheets and other various places
Tina had been awake for 6 days so when she noticed the Crustal Stains in her underwear, she did not even care.
A word you use to call some one a shit stain, but with a little class.
I don't particularly like you, you are sphincter stain
When you and a sibling get into a tater tot war. Multiple tots are thrown at eachother and result in numerous stains throughout the house. Typically tater smudges on windows that dry and become stain-like.
Me: Dude me and my bro got into a tot fight last night.
Other Bro: damn dude, there must've been a lot of tater stains.
Where a company whose ineptitude is so comically underwhelming their existence in the modern world is completely unfathomable, they are said to leave a gold stain on the industry resembling that of an incontinent individual's undergarments.
Man Hektor ordered those spoon engines from that gold stain of a company, they will be lucky to survive one pass if they ever arrive.
Bang (Christopher) Chan. Bangchan, the leader of K-pop boy group Stray Kids.
Underwear Stain gives me the ick!