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crack hoe

a real nasty bitch, the kind of slut with more VD than a VC, and sells herself for tricks to fund her crack habit


by stee .b January 15, 2003

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messy hoe

A girl or group of girls who are considered to be unorganized,silly, and whores.

"Man, I can't believe those messy hoes know my name!"

by Wave748 February 12, 2006

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graff hoe

A female who tends to date well known graffiti writers.

Damn, Mia is the biggest Graff Hoe in NYC! first Dexa, then Jt, then Goal and just about every single one of Goals friends while he had her wifed out!!

by I_JOCK_GRAFF October 16, 2011

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Hoe Trick

Referring to a female who "tricks" around with your head and then "tricks" around with your friends. This includes but is not limited to: slutting around with your friends, family or peers.

Breanna is such a hoe trick. She hooked up with me and more than 20 people last year, and then slutted around with my best friend.

by mBluntz November 16, 2008

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Pull hoes

To be frequently have men/women attracted to you or have a strong Will to want to date you

Damn that dude looks good as fuck I bet he pulls hoes

After I get my makup done I'm going to be pulling hoes

Ahh that dude said I'm ugly but really I pull hoes

by Jonathon koonce July 15, 2018

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Bad hoe

A female who is extremely attractive. Used as a slang adjective for someone who is considered hot or sexy.

Guy 1: β€œBro do you see that girl over there? She’s super hot.”
Guy 2: β€œHell yeah man, she’s a bad hoe for sure.”

by Young Jerry September 7, 2022

camel hoe

Any chick who knows she's sporting a camel toe but goes out anyway hoping that it will attract some action any way.

This camel hoe showed up to the party with nothing left to the imagination.

by raujero December 8, 2016