Source Code

ugly tree

The source where humdingers are made.

"Davro, has yer missus fallen out the ugly tree?"

by Tommo September 1, 2003

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Bumping Uglies

Fornicating in the doggy style position wherein the booty has a rather large amount of pimples.

I flipped her over and realized I was going to be bumping uglies

by Dictionary Management February 21, 2010

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Refers to someone so very, very ugly that he or she can only be discribed as double-ugly. Similar to butt-ugly but twice as repulsive; hence the plural.

One of the first instances of "double-ugly" in print was in a classic "Tom and Jerry" comic book from the 1950s.

Alternative spellings include: double ugly, doubly-ugly. Using a dash is proper when spelling compound adverbs and adjectives.

"Ugly? He's beyond ugly - he's so fucking ugly he's double-ugly!"

by Victor Felix November 10, 2005

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ugly love

(n). - When someone is attracted to a person, that isn't typically found attractive, because that said someone feels like they don't deserve better.

Person 1: I'm really into John. I know he isn't that good looking though.
Person 2: That's ugly love.

by uglylove March 5, 2012

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Ugly Here

When you've just undone your pants and she laughs at the size of your penis, and your only recourse is to buy mail order brides from Russia.

by Anonymous May 11, 2003

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the ugly baby

It's Yugioh!

Ugly Baby! Whoa Whoa whoa... Ugly Baby!

by Shawn B. October 29, 2003

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Ugly duckling

When your rutty duck or ruddy duck has dried up and forms a hard shell of poop around your dick/balls.

Aw man. I like having a ruddy duck, but I forgot to wash it off last night, so I woke up with a ugly duckling this morning!

by Jimmy Berserkeah October 24, 2007

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