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doing flips

1. To be drunk or chemically altered in any way.

I was doing flips last night, i started to dance on a table.

by TRIzzzo April 12, 2006

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Flip It Down

--New form of "Do Work" or "Get er Done" Used as a motivator it's possibilities are endless.
--Short form = F.I.D.
--Originally used in a movie starring Tony Eveready where after inserting his testicles into a girl's anus he proceeds to "flip the dick down the pussy"...creating a solo double penetration. (see also "Freaked Out")

"Flip It Down, Son"
--It can also be used accompanied by a hand gesture as well.(index and middle fingers together pointing up signifying the penis and the ring finger and pinky connecting to the thumb forming an "o" shape signifying the testicles.) When said, the wrist bends down pointing the fingers down, signifying the testicles in the anus and penis being flipped down into the vagina.

by "Blackout" & "J.R." & "KitchenDickJones" April 26, 2008

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jesus flip

flip of the hair,or a metophor for masterbation.
it is basically a word that you can make up a defintion for,because it doesnt have a real definition.

i like your jesus flip!!

do you want to help me flip my jesus after school?

i belive that EVERYONE should flip their jesus at least once a day.The only problem is,you'll need to have gloves,a hannah montana cd,and a towel with you.

by the biggest def leppard fan! November 8, 2009

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Bitch Flip

When a woman goes from happy or mellow to a bitch with little or no reason. Not necessarily due to her time of the month.

I was talking to Sally today and with no warning she bitch flipped on me.

by Stauder February 19, 2009

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hippie flip

when someone at a rave mixes psychedelic mushrooms and ecstasy

Who's got the shrooms I wanna hippie flip tonight

by chillcat May 30, 2003

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flip side

The opposite side.

β€œThe flip side of retrospectively savaging the loser is beatifying... the winner” (Charles Krauthammer).

by Tim May 3, 2004

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flip a shitty

U-Turn in a shitty situation.
AKA - flip a bitch

Dood, flip a shitty and follow those chicks.

by Derek Gieni January 20, 2004

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