Omg ksi is gonna bang that jake paul his is a fuckin cunt bitch
When your fiancé sends you a pic of her laying on a bean bag watching tv with the dogs next to her while you’re busy at work.
April is fuckin chillin! 😎
A phrase that a Tiktoker known by the name of kyahnextdoor used to express frustration or overall “doneness” with a situation.
Random Game only has 3 black hairstyles:
Kyah: Be fuckin Fr 🙄
A phrase used by Kyahnextdoor on tik tok Expressing when someone does or says some dumb shit or even stupid shit. OR JUST PLAIN LIES
White boy: the block is hot
Kyah: Be fuckin fr…
A huge bro that pounds mitt and slays brews
My boy Nick Argiros slayer of all slays, has a slay list of over 1000 broads.
Now he's the fuckin man
A total and divine state of utter inebriation,usually obtained after an entire year of alcoholism
"jesus christ,that trip to lake powell really started off my year of heavenly drunkeness....Holy fuckin Drunk!