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Relationship Vampire

A person who sucks the souls of their victims/partners, with no intentions of loving them. Usually a man but sometimes a woman. Usually a person who has not had one exclusive partner for an extensive amount of time.

That guy is a relationship vampire. He won’t ever have a girlfriend and will probably never get married.

by Sheila V. October 22, 2020

Vampires' Desperation

When a vampire is severely dehydrated and decides to enter a gas station bathroom to suck the blood off of a girl's vampire teabag (tampon).

"The vampires' desperation lead to his contraction of a yeast infection, maybe next time he'll think twice about sucking on tampons"

by ErosSlav6661 January 10, 2021

Vampire Monkey

A new song made by My Chemical Romance
In this song it has a nice rock-in-roll feel its amazing, in the it makes fun of the recent vampire obsession called TWILIGHT one of the lyrics is " sparkle like bowie in the morning sun"

"Hey Bob have you heard of that new MCR song

"Vampire Monkey"?

BOB: "Hell ya I was blasting that song in the car!"

by Chrisssssstttttiiiiinnnnneee December 22, 2010


Someone strung out on drugs, like heroin

I was sitting at a strip club and this girl came and sat by me and I realized it was a friend from high school but something was different. She was vampired! sucken in jaws, thirsty eyes, and she looked lifeless.

by k bunny March 19, 2023


When you find a person that is begging to be made fun of while driving, you roll down your window, call them out based upon their general appearance, and when they look at you, you yell as loud as you can BLAUGHHHHHHHH like a vampire.

"Hey fat ass in the eagles jersey, BLAUGHHHHHHHHHH!!!! You've been vampired

by Timmy Doo Rags March 24, 2009

the boyz vampire antics

The antics of k-pop group the boyz after releasing their Universe single ‘Drink It’ as in blood

Yunghoon: did I just see a vampire

Juyeon: hell yeah bitch
New: I’ll just stand here and look pretty


by StariiStori July 12, 2021

vampire diaries

A show watched by sissy femboys that love vampires and "Romantic Comedy's "

vampire diaries-Omg Sisters did you see the scary Spooky vampire
Yikes that was spooky 19 million players

by OldManDan69 May 27, 2021