Used like damn it or fuck! Controversial whether the cock is put on the stick like a hot dog or a corn dog, and whether it’s hard or flaccid.
Cock on a stick! I just realised I should have submitted that very important report yesterday.
It’s a cock that’s has been used so much from a donkey it’s all floppy
Wow the donkeys cock is a floppy donkey cock
Pills that make your dick extend
John: hey look what Gary is packign
Gary: nah my dick is larger then ever from these cock extender pills
Guh guh ughg ughgu hgughgu hguh ughguguhughughguhguhguhgughughughughguh guhughughguhguhgu ahhh
kermit: unhg
Kermit:pls more
Random_frog: Wtf stop Sucking Cock
When the word cunt simply won't do
what a cock juggling thunder cunt
A woman who is completely useless in any way shape or form, to the point that she only annoys the people around her to the point that we need to make up new words to describe her severe stupidity.
Also a person that never does anything right yet thinks they are the only one that does things correctly. These people are usually ugly beyond belief and partially deaf. They also nag at everyone about useless things just to hear their own voice.
Bonita is a Cock Juggling Thunder Cunt. Everything she does at Fortune Bay is wrong, but the manager is too afraid of her thunder cuntness to fire her. Some one needs to hit her with a Bus.
"Hey Jen"
"Is Bonnie the Cock Juggling Thunder Cunt working to day?"
"If you call what she does work, then yes."
"I know"