Charlie but pog is the thumbnail of one of “penguinz0”’s video’s known as “I won a huge award”.
I changed my discord profile picture to charlie but pog.
When you go to take a shit and nothing comes out.
Dude, those greasy tacos flew through me like an F15... How did it hit you?
"I thought I was gonna paint the seat brown but I had a tough charlie"
Damn that sucks, I was wincing when I took the most agonizing tough charlie the other night, it was miserable
Charile Swan Bella Swan's father in the Twilight series written by Stephenie Meyer. He got divorced from his wife, well ex-wife now, Renee, when Bella was little. He is the police chief in the small town of Forks, WA. He is very into watching sports and he cares very much for his daughter Bella. Charlie comes to like and trust Edward Cullen, Bella's vampire boyfriend, until James, a vampire who drinks the blood of humans unlike the Cullens, is hunting Bella. Edward makes Bella leave Forks and she goes to Phoenix with Alice and Jasper. To get Charlie to let her leave Forks, Bella runs into the house after being with the Cullens all night, screaming and crying that she broke up with Edward and she can't stay in Forks any longer. She can't make any more roots there and make the same stupid mistake her mother did. Charlie doesn't care much for Edward anymore thinking that if Bella never met him, she would have never left Forks in the first place. Though Charlie never figures out that the Cullens are vampires.
"Wow! He's a police man and he loves watching sports? That is so Charlie Swan!"
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A "Charlie Gordon" is one of those packs of plastic silverware you get with the napkin, fork, knife, spoon, salt and pepper pack.
The reason behind this is that it must take the mind of Charlie Gordon to assemble these things.
Imagine a bunch of ARC-tards sitting around putting these together then you will get the picture!
I went to the chinese takeout and they forgot my Charlie Gordon. I got to use my fingers now!!!!
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A powerful yet undetectable drug.
After passing a drug test and ranting on a morning talk show Charlie Sheen said, "I am on a drug - it's called Charlie Sheen."
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An expression of surprise and/or delight, coined by fans of the TV show "Lost" after Dominic Monaghan's character, Charlie, made an appearance in Season 4's premiere episode "The Beginning of the End" after Charlie supposedly drowned in Season 3's finale "Through the Looking Glass".
"Charlie alive! I knew they couldn't kill that character off."
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Char.lee Mich.ull
the most amazing person you will ever meet, an angelic creature whose mere presence will bring you joy, a beautiful woman whose beauty is only surpassed by her intelligence and generosity
to brighten a room simply by entering/ laughing/ smiling in it, to create a sense of security and fulfillment within another person simply by being near them
She completely brightened my day, she is amazing, beautiful and a has a smile like nothing you have ever seen before. She is a real Charlie Mitchell.
She entered the room and all I could do was smile. From the first second I met her, all I wanted to do was be a better person for her. She Charlie Mitchelled me...
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