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The John Frost School


I dont know what to put here man "The John Frost School is gay but i love mrs jones"

by I omor January 20, 2023

frosting circle

3 gay men masturbating on an unfrosted carrot cake

Lets go to a frosting circle with the boys

by Scud119 May 11, 2018

Marble Frosted

(verb) - The action of defecating on a sexual partner's (or unsuspecting victim's) face and then ejaculating in the horizontal or vertical motion across the excrement.
Inflected Forms: Marble Frosting, Marble Frost

"My girlfriend was hassling me to pay the overdue electric bill and mow the lawn so I marble frosted that bitch!"
--Former Supreme Court Justice Melvin R. Sturdenberg II

by rcodefish July 19, 2009

Frosted Tips

When the bois wank a nice one and immediately dip it in snow causing it to freeze on the tip.

Aye bro you wanna pull up and get some frosted tips?

by WisconsinStankyStank420 January 16, 2023

Frosted tips

When you accidentally cum on your hair and it turns white when dry

Bro I accidentally gave myself frosted tips yesterday

by CosmoCommy04 August 10, 2024

Frosted Tip

When someone takes a Listerine breath strip and gives you a blowjob

Dude! Last night Jenny gave me a frosted tip and I came five times!!

by Mezunbie17 August 13, 2022

frosting drugs

The act of freezing drugs in order to prevent one's self indulging, saving the drugs till a later date

Police-what were you doing in the house during the raid
Man- I wasn't dealing I was frosting drugs that's all

by Not-police-i-swear November 1, 2018