The most loving person you will ever met. First name is a dope ass name. Middle name is a sexy ass name. Last name is a bad ass name. Don't fuck with them the will beat your ass if you fuck with them the wrong way
Damn Ryley Ari key seem dope.
Imaginary key on a typical PC keyboard programs often ask you to click.
"Imaging complete press any key now"
"To continue press any key now"
When someone drunk insists on driving home. Why waste money on an uber when god created a vehicle for you to drive?
“That sidewalk slammer didn’t even touch me. Gimme my keys!”
Key West Bitches are your typical sad hoe.
They do not particularly have much better to do, so within that time they may talketh tons of shiteth.
They hate 24/7 for reasons that have not yet been discovered.
Not all of which who reside within the tropical location of Key West, FL are indeed a Key West Bitch.
You may have other species of these also in your local hometown.
Jan: "Are they going to do anything else other than stare and talk shit?"
Mary: "No Jan, they are Key West Bitches, thats what they do."
When you look at porn for so long that all the keys are sticky to the touch.
"My palms keep getting stuck to the spacebar. Chuck must have been making sticky keys last night."
Can entail just getting food or drinking in a chill setting and playing games with only one other person, or a group of people.
Jared: "Hey are you down for a low-key hangout?"
Jessica: "Yeah, yo. Who's going to be there?"