An informal way of saying goodbye, dissimilar to love peace and guidance. Often shortened to LPT.
Ash: 'Ight in a bit my bro see you later'
KoKO 'love peace and tekkers mate'
Austin Peace Academy is trash, Mrs. Diana is horrifying.
A weapon of destruction and war that is supposed to bring peace
Time for those bastards over there to go...bring out the peace missile!
peaceful monke banana
-bruh, this monke is very ugly!
-nah man, if i was you i would not say that. he is a peaceful monke.
Peace, a really good looking and successful man, he's funny, humble and always pulling the becks. He's got the hoes on him but peace ain't got time for that, to busy making that bread.
Peace is one sexy motherfarkkkerr :)
The calm in a storm; figuratively or otherwise.
Peace is also the absence OF chaos in the middle of conflict.
1. In the middle of the argument, we found peace making up and admitting we were wrong.
2. I am at peace with the world when I have coffee in the morning