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Entitled mom: Have a good day at Hell Timmy- I mean SCHOOL

by Diamond wolf Queen555 April 16, 2020



Mom: How was school

Timmy: Fuck you

by BeastOfStuff April 2, 2019


School is a prison where people are forced to learn things in torture. Everybody hates school.

Meme I found online:
School!!!? know what that means!!??? 7 hours of no anime!



A school is a random place where they keep children for six hours and hypnotise them into thinking it is a really safe place

Child "Mummy it's time for school"
Mum"You still haven't told me what you have been learning at school for the past 7 years"

by Jsjjdbcjxn November 9, 2017


Hell. Think about it. It has circles (grades) and it has a devil at the center of gravity.

At school they make you do shit you don't want to do at home
At home they make you do shit they were supposed to make you do at school.
I remember I asked the teacher why we had do to the homework. Next thing I knew I was being stared at by a hall moniter whose name isn't on the faculty list and his tag states no occupation. He didn't tell me why either.

I have all A's at school. You don't . You're a dumbass. Hey, where did all WHOLE FUCKING LIFE GO? OH YEAH, AGREED TO HAVE 18 YEARS OF MY LIFE RAPED BECAUSE I WANTED TO PLEASE THE TEACHER. FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE! "drops mike. Leaves"

by Lyra Dane December 11, 2015


A public shooting range

Tim lets go try out our new glocks at school so we get revenge on the people who bullied us.

by “Nigga”- Albert Einstein January 25, 2020


U spend ur child life here, it’s basically prison but 5 year olds rot in it. Ur math teacher is a gay pussy and everyone in ur class is dumb as shit. A sexy girl might say to u, wanna fuck? but you are so stupid to know what this means so u say yes. Some mad Ned might offer u some weed and u say yes cuz u are so stupid. The children say FUCK SCHOOL but the government is telling us we need to be educated but FUCK this shit. U fail ur math test but who the FUCK cares

Fuck school

by UR MOM GAY LOL XD January 25, 2020