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describes a really ironic and unintelligent action or statement that someone did

"What they did and said was so...so backwards-stupid."

by nickwrm September 25, 2006

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Stupid Town

1. Not quite married anymore but not yet divorced= stupid town because, one way or another, someone (or both) is a fucking idiot.

2. A state of being in-between Married/dating and divorced/single.

3. A state of not-talking between friends shortly after a falling out, before the status is confirmed (usually either a fuckyoudouche or manIdidn'tmeanitlikethat). Similar to a dudevorce but doesn't only apply to guys and it isn't completed.

4. A point of uncertainty in a waning relationship.

A- Why is Jenny flirting with those guys?
B- Didn't you know Jenny is in stupid town? She dumped Greg a couple weeks ago but the papers haven't gone through yet.

I'd love to get on with my life and see other people, but I'm in stupid town and family/ex/mutual friends/lawyers would have my ass.

A- I heard you and (friend) got in a fight; does this mean you've got an extra ticket to the game this weekend?
B- Not sure yet, we're in stupid town at the moment.

by zakavellie May 13, 2009

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Stupid hoe

A woman who is nothing more than a sexual object; a bitch; a toy; mindless, souless, worthless slut; a Nicki Manaj song
That bitch at work/school/whatever that's so fucking obnoxious you wanna beat her fucking face off. That stoopid hoe.

The gardening tool that dropped out.

Nicki Manaj: U a stupid hoe

U a u a stupid hoe
u a stupid hoe
u a u a stupid hoe

Some other hoe: Takes one to know one

by L.Rokzi June 9, 2012

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stupid ape

An insult on a person's intelligence that identifies them as less human (the intelligence of an animal).

Steven, you stupid ape, why did you donthat?

by Stevie the Stupid Ape February 13, 2016

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Stupid Fun

When you have so much fun (usually with friends) that your brain short-circuits and your entire being is consumed by the amount of fun you are having.

That Smash Bros game was stupid fun!

by Douche Caillou February 22, 2017

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Stupid Idiot

Someone who is a retard, or dumb ass, it is usually said in a jokingly way or another way of saying "You're stupid for doing that"

guy 1: *kicks girl1 best friend*
Girl1: Why did you do that you stupid idiot???

by LoserPopculture March 15, 2020

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Secretly Stupid

When someone who you don't have classes, talks or acts stupid outside of school but says, "I have better grammar in class."

Person 1: "We should go to the beach."
Person 2: "For we get darker? Nah."
Person 1: "It's SO not FOR."
Person 2: "Yeah, I talk stupid out of school, cause it really doesn't matter.
Person 1: (Thinking) Yeah sure, your just Secretly Stupid.

by DayToDay July 11, 2011

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