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IQ Test Ad

A common type of banner advertisement that asks a relatively moronic or unusual question, usually with two variants. These banners are usual non-dynamic GIFs or other image formats, creating the illusion of choice for the less-knowing Internet users.

Most of them also include a percentile statistic, often one that defies the question itself - if it is an opinion question. Most of these questions come from Hong Kong of all places.

IQ Test Ad:

What does this picture look like to you?


94% of answerers didn't get it correctly.

Free IQ test!

by gertoja April 26, 2010

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

testing the muddy water

Trying butt sex for the first time.

Patrick is testing the muddy water with Trish tonight.

by crabbysparkles February 12, 2014

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

crash test dummy

Someone who is mentally and physically usless, stupid, clumsy and generally a dumb ass or imbecile is know as a crash test dummy.

Look at will falling down the steps. God he is such a stupid ass crash test dummy.

by saharadryhumor January 15, 2015

28πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

bro taste test

When a bro is going on a date with a girl who he expects to get oral sex from, he will have one of his bros taste his penis for him to make sure it’s clean for his date. A bro taste test is usually practiced in US college fraternities and mma fight gyms.

Bro1: Hey bro! So I’m going on a date with this girl from work and I’m pretty sure she’s going to blow me. Would you mind giving me a bro taste test?
Bro2: Absolutely! Anything for my favorite bro!

-20 minutes later-
Bro2: Bro, I think you’re good to go.
Bro1: (crying) Thanks bro, you’re the best!

by mart5124 July 15, 2018

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

test tube baby

A test tube baby was conceived by artificial means, by introducing the sperm and egg to each other outside the body. The zygote is then implanted into the future mother's womb.

Test tube babies are NOT born in test tubes. Not yet, anyway.

Jill had a very hard time getting pregnant, so she decided to try having a test tube baby.

by Athene Airheart March 22, 2004

60πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

pub test

In Australia, the Pub Test is a measurement of your general knowledge of current events, politics and sport.

That person is so thick they'd fail the pub test.

by Martybartfast January 18, 2017

11πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž

whiz test

A medical procedure where they analyze urine for evidence of drug use.

I gotta take a whiz test for my P.O.
I know I'll fail cuz I done smoked major weed bro.

by Nick D February 8, 2003

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