Source Code

ugly stick

an STD infested pecker.

Diller beat some hoe with his ugly stick and turned her ugly. Now she has chlamyphilis and herpes simplex 20.

by the Little Kid June 2, 2006

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ugly fairy

The Ugly Fairy is the β€œGreat Equalizer” in the game of military deployments. The Ugly Fairy is always there to meet all of the Iraq Cinderellas, Iraq Princesses, Guantanahoes and every other CHUD, Troll, Chupacabre and Ogre posing as gorgeous women.
You will find the Ugly Fairy on the return flight or even on the ferry to Leeward smacking those bitches across the chops with her Ugly Stick. Some especially evil transgressors are sometimes smacked multiple times. Once this has happened, there is justice and universal balance is restored.

Army Dude 1: Hey, get a look at that!
Army Dude 2: What happened? Five minutes ago she was so beautiful.
Army Dude 1: Yeah right… Looks like the Ugly Fairy smacked that bitch.
Army Dude 2: Like about fifty times……

by weatherbeatenghettobooty May 14, 2008

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Ugly Doll

A girl/boy who tries to be glamorous and beautiful but never quite get it right and remain an "ugly doll".
A beauty caught in the rough.
Basically someone who strives for a beautiful shell to match their insides but they never achieve their full glamour potential so everyone sees them as an "ugly doll".

For example:
"Alie is such an Ugly Doll."

by MurdahScene June 21, 2008

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bumping uglies

the act of two ugly people having sex

Lisa; " Did you hear about Juliana and Eric?"

Kelly; "Yeah I heard they've been bumping uglies for a while now!"

by Kelbelle118 May 2, 2008

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trademark ugly

When someone is so ugly that it becomes what they're known for (i.e. their trademark)

Guy1: Who the frig is Jenny*? she's trying to add me on facebook.
Guy2: I think she went to high school with us but, i don't fully remeber her...i just remember her trademark was her ugliness
Guy1: Oh yeah...she was trademark ugly, wasn't she.

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent

by Team J's House November 26, 2006

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ugly debra

a dumb ass bitch and an awful ex girlfriend

I used to enjoy dating, but then I met an ugly Debra and she mind fucked me so badly. Debra is a hoe.

by hoebagasslamp December 7, 2016

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ugly diaper

A large posterior, or otherwise, a posterior the likes of which present the impression of disproportionedness.

Clyde, you got an ugly diaper.

by Johnny19 May 20, 2008

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