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Clyde's are usually open minded and creative people. They are very brutal and honest however and are very cutthroat when they are asked to tell the truth. Clyde's are also very sweet and affectionate. They are great people to date ;)

Look! Its Clyde , He is very creative.

by Javier Lee August 5, 2019

63πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Clydes are usually smart assholes that know how to get their way around things, or they can be angels. If your name is clyde you will probably be popular at school because your name is so rare. They often are babe magnets and will do anything for free pussy.

Person 1: β€œHey look over there, I see Clyde!”
Person 2: β€œWhats he doing?”
Person 1: β€œGetting ladies for sure.”

by ruh roh September 17, 2018

29πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A man with a kind heart, but has done some bad things in his past. He loves girlfriend (when he has one). Used to be a HUGE man-whore. Gets Lucky a lot. Names his dick. Clydes are Cute, Adorable, Brown eyes/ hair, Dangerous when messed with, caring. Has a twisted mind ;) He will act like an ass if he doesn't like you. He won't care what anyone thinks except the one he loves most. Clyde is sometimes short and he's very lovable, eventhough he won't except it.

" That boy's a clye, he got lucky last night!"

"He's sweet and cute."
"He must be a CLYDE"

by ILOVEDUCKSH December 14, 2011

334πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is a true niqqa and likes to think of himself as little bill. This guy is always trying to meet new people, but the opposite happens, people start to to talk to him because he has so much swag

You see Clyde walking
Other Guy: Little Biiiiiiiiill!!!

by NickJorge January 20, 2013

70πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


a real ass savage with a style so smooth that you have no other choice but to either completely love him to death or fuckin hate his guts an do whatever it takes to somehow make yourself feel better for not being able to compare to his wikked savage way of life.

"Damn i wish Clyde was here... all these niggas are lame as fuh" or "Go fuckin hang out with Clyde then you dumb bitch... and take all your clothes witchu"

by KrookLokXXIII August 6, 2019

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Generic term for large (>200lb) Mountain Bike riders referring to an old racing bracket named after the Clydsedale horse.

If you're a Clyde you might need a bigger bike.

by Kreebog March 1, 2011

114πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


A man who drives his Bonnie fucking nuts, in a bad and a good way. Hes the biggest asshole and sweetest man I know. Handsome little badass & legit. HES ABOUT IT & if you say otherwise, you might get stabbed with a screwdriver. Lol. He's blunt and upfront. About most everything anyways ;) My BESTFUCKING FRIEND no matter what.The only man I know will always be here. Despite what rumors people spread about him, hes the loyalest person I know & protects his family. He doesn't always get it in return though. Except from his bonnie & he better recognize that! Haha he has pepperoni nipples and is very proud of mufasa ;) I hope he knows I appreciate all he does for me, and better never leave me or my stabber WON'T be broken.

Bonnie & Clyde <3
Jmfg & TONYA

by RealBonnie June 8, 2013

79πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž