to insert a boner parallel to the buttcrack, without penetration to the anus. similar to tittie fucking.
she wanted anal sex but he cut the melon instead
Available at prices or rates below the standard price or rate....
At last I found a near by shop selling cut-price videos and CDs!
Someone, usually a close friend, who you have sex with from time to time.
He's not my boyfriend but he is a good cut buddy!
Someone who primarily uses the cut & paste function to distort a comment and/or edit the comment to manipulate the outcome.
Original comment:
But his brief chapter, "Toward Selective Confrontation With Germany," points out how worried were FDR, Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of State Hull, and others, not with German treatment of the Jews, but rather with Nazi economic policies, both internal and in the realm of foreign trade
cut byte:
FDR, Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of State Hull, and others.....with German treatment...both internal and in the realm of foreign trade
Drugs that are cut on the street and may be mixed with other drugs. Non-reliable, non-prescription.
Ex. Coke cut with meth, x, vics, etc. Fake Xans.
Adominick: Ay man I got some smackers, you want some?
Julian: Nah bruh those street cut, I only fuck with prescribed shit!
A hairstyle sported by those in quarantine due to Corona virus, it used to be known as the buzz cut, but was changed to the Rona Cut in March 2020
Joe: Aye did you see Rob's gone and got himself a Rona cut?
Matt: Yeah kid he looks like a fucking egg, what a nonce
“Cut The Turtle” (verb): To get over one’s hangover, by drinking a gin and tonic. Other drinks can also be consumed whilst cutting the turtle. Generally or more often so, spirits.
“Mate, I’m f*cking hungover!”
“You need a G&T mate, you need to Cut The Turtle”